
Requirements for Parade Entrants

We’re excited you’re interested in representing your organization and Arvig at your local parade!
To apply, please fill out the form below.

As ambassadors of your organization and Arvig, your appearance and behavior will influence what hundreds of people think of both your group and our company.  Thank you for taking your responsibility seriously and for doing your best!

In return for our donation to your organization, we ask you to observe the following:

  1. Banner
    There will be one banner.  Two club members from your organization should carry the banner in front of the group.  Please carry it on the level so that people watching the parade can see it.  Do not swing it or fold the banner. Roll it on the pole, graphic side in, when it’s not in use.
  2. Handouts
    Arvig will supply giveaways and bags for carrying them.  Please hand out items per the requirements for participating in the parade.  Unused giveaways should be returned to Arvig, but the bags are yours to keep after the parade.
  3. T-Shirts
    Please wear t-shirts that represent your group.
  4. Photo
    Please provide a photo of your group from the parade for our Facebook page.

Payment for participation will be sent once the banner and photo are returned to Arvig.

Thanks and have a great time!